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I launched my wedding photography business when I moved to Lorraine, where I stayed for five years. This region will always have a special place in my career as a wedding photographer and I work there (very) regularly.

Un couple de mariés s'enlace et le marié embrasse sa compagne dans le cou le jour de leur mariage


I spent my childhood indulging in 140 successive creative activities: writing, painting, drawing, jewelry-making, herb-making, music, singing... In the midst of all this effervescence, photography alone stood the test of time, my studies and then my professional life.

I discover this job through my own wedding photographer. I remember looking at her thinking, "Why do I do anything else with my days other than create photos and accompany happy people?" I called her 48 hours after my wedding, and literally begged her to teach me her job. I owe my conversion to her patience, encouragement and the countless hours she devoted to me.

Wedding photography has enabled me to bring together all the things I love. The artistic and creative dimension, of course, but also the independence of being at the helm of my own business and the whole entrepreneurial side of things, which interests me a lot. I've also been able to reconnect with the social aspect I lacked in my previous job and that is essential in this profession. Accompanying married couples on a very important day in their lives means building a relationship of trust with them. Creating that all-important bond is one of my favorite aspects of wedding photography.



I accompany lovers in all their projects, small weddings or large receptions, in France or further away.


To know more about how I work and what I try to create with the couples I work with.


To tell me all about your wedding and find out if my work may interest you !


I strive to create the bond with the bride and groom that I sought with my own wedding photographer. I'm going to be spending a very intense day with every couple who places his trust in me. I need to embody a reassuring, caring presence, to whom they can open up without fear of their doubts and questions.


I'm deeply convinced that it's possible to combine high expectations on the photo side, artistic and scenographic ambition, with fun and light-heartedness. I'm constantly striving to maintain the balance between fun and the creation of an artistic reportage that faithfully retraces the atmosphere of each wedding and the journey of each couple. In order to create this atmosphere of lightness while efficiently creating the most beautiful shots possible, I train regularly with photographers I admire, and read a lot of books on photography.

Over the years, I've developed a series of documents that I use as the basis for my preparatory discussions with brides and grooms, to ensure that each couple's report is an accurate reflection of their priorities, wishes and personalities, and to help them approach the big day with as much information as possible. My aim is for the bride and groom to have nothing to do with their day other than follow my instructions, share their desires and enjoy their day!

Portrait d'une mariée tenant son bouquet


Des mariés rient et dansent avec leurs invités pendant leur vin d'honneur

A huge thank you to Manon who did an exceptional job capturing the most beautiful moments of our wedding in Provence.

We were immediately at ease with Manon, and she put us at ease with her legendary sense of humor!
Throughout our wedding preparations, she was always available to listen and give us precious advice.

The result of the photos is magnificent. We couldn't have wished for anything better than to have Manon by our side on this very important day to immortalize these moments. Our guests loved her too!

Déjy and Louise

I'm at your disposal to talk about your project and your desires for this beautiful day. Of course, a first discussion does not commit you to anything!


I'm particularly attached to Lorraine because my career change really took shape here. I set up my business in the middle of a confinement (always have an excellent sense of timing is important in entrepreneurship) and spent days researching, discovering locations, contacting service providers, clumsily launching myself into this particular profession. During the five years I spent in the Grand Est, I was lucky enough to criss-cross the region and discover some magnificent places - the marvellous Prémontrés abbey, which had me dreaming from the moment I arrived, Nancy's Place Stanislas or the waterfalls in the Vosges. 


I cut my teeth in the region, and now I'm lucky enough to return regularly to cover weddings. If this is where you're headed, don't hesitate to contact me!

Copie de Alexandra & Bjorn-25.jpg


I've always loved writing - I've been very active in the wonderful world of Fanfiction for years - and I wanted to link these editorial inclinations with my taste for photography. I write about my services, about the world of marriage, I share thoughts, the fruit of certain research I have done on several aspects of photography... I welcome you in this joyful mayhem! 

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