I discovered Paris when I was a student. I loved strolling the Haussmannian boulevards, wandering by the Louvre carrousel at night and spending a lot of time in the (wonderful) Sainte-Geneviève library (when I wasn't fired for laughing too loudly). I now get to rediscover the capital's magnificent scenery as a wedding photographer.

I discovered photography as a child, at a time when I was jumping from one creative activity to another. I painted, drew, wrote, played music, collaged, made jewelry, clothes and herbariums... In the midst of all this creative frenzy, photography was the only constant. As a student in Paris, I discovered street and architectural photography as I wandered around the capital.
Wedding photography came into my life at my own wedding. My photographer introduced me to the profession and encouraged me with patience and kindness. I owe my conversion to her. Though photography slowly took more place in my life while I was in Paris, my career as a wedding photographer began far from the capital, which I left for professional reasons. The city where I once lived now slowly comes back into my professional life !
Wedding photography allowed me to combine a number of things I'd always loved, but hadn't been able to bring together in the same profession. The artistic and creative dimension, of course, as you create images that you hope will also be works of art in their own right. But it's also, and above all, the social dimension that interests me. You can't get people to be vulnerable in front of the lens if you don't forge a bond of trust and, above all, kindness with them. The creative aspect is what got me into the world of wedding photography. The social dimension is what kept me there.
I accompany lovers in all their projects, small weddings or large receptions, in France or further away.
To know more about how I work and what I try to create with the couples I work with.
To tell me all about your wedding and find out if my work may interest you !
On the big day, I see my job as a wedding photographer as involving several tasks: immortalizing the bride and groom's experience in a comprehensive and aesthetic way is obviously the basis of my profession. But capturing such images requires gaining the trust of both bride and groom, and being able to guide them while cultivating a light-hearted atmosphere at all times. Easier said than done!
Creating this climate of trust requires me to constantly question both my technical and interpersonal skills. I keep learning from photographers I admire but also - and above all - by reading a lot. My library consists exclusively of photo books (and manga and fantasy novels).
Over the years, I've developed a number of documents that I've used as a basis for discussions with the bride and groom to create a personalized wedding reportage based on the reception they'd like, the atmosphere they dream of, their wishes for the day, their priorities, their tastes and their expectations.
The outline of a wedding day generally follows a similar flow, but each story has its own symbols and atmosphere. I strive to capture these particularities through the preparatory discussions I have with each couple I work for.

Feel free to write to me if you wish to tell me about your wishes for your wedding and see if the way I work may suit you !
When I was a student, getting married in or near the capital seemed absurd. I wasn't a city girl. I grew up in the countryside. Everything seemed too intense in Paris. The omnipresent noise and lights, even at night, the crowded streets, the frenetic pace. At first I didn't see the beauty of the city. Of course the architecture in Paris is stunning, but as a good friend of mine used to say : you often stop appreciating what you get to see everyday.
I've rediscovered Parisian settings through my wedding photographer's eyes, and have learned to capture the beauty of this city atmosphere : brides' stilettos clacking on the cobblestones, the 19th century coming back to life at dawn in the covered passages, romantic photos under the arcades of the Louvre or the morning light on the Alexandre III bridge. Don't hesitate to write to me if your wedding plans take you to the City of Light!

I've always loved writing - I've been very active in the wonderful world of Fanfiction for years - and I wanted to link these editorial inclinations with my taste for photography. I write about my services, about the world of marriage, I share thoughts, the fruit of certain research I have done on several aspects of photography... I welcome you in this joyful mayhem!